BEYOND PASSION | Documentary
Project Overview
Through intimate encounters with inspiring individuals amidst their most creative times yet in rather challenging conditions, we come to an understanding that "thinking out of the box" starts only then when creativity within the box has reached its peaking point. As we witness the blazing energy and fearless endeavours of those creative individuals, we will come to awaken an artistic problem-solving genius within each of us.
The documentary material should help us understand the special state of mind of an individual amidst their creative process.
Through word of mouth and online Ads in Switzerland and abroad, we will offer work and assistance free of charge to subjects of the documentary. After discovering those creative individuals that create and live in unconventional ways, our objective will be to grasp what hides behind the "spark in their eyes". The focus stays strictly on the creator and their milieu, instead of the project they are working on.
Once we are as intimate as possible to those non-ordinary characters, we are set on a journey through surprising and beautiful worlds, defined by their feelings, unique taste and own view on surroundings.
In "BEYOND PASSION" we will gaze closely into the blazing fire and follow through the gates of creativity.
“Spark in the eyes”
As Art comes in various forms, defining it becomes impossible and ungrateful. The unifying element for every creative being in moments of their creative expression, is the "spark in their eyes", a recurring phenomenon announcing the fire burning within, the urge to share their feelings, thoughts and ideas at any cost. Driven by passion they see no fear and in that creative state, no obstacle is too big, no problem seems unsolvable.
While staying afloat in life seems hard at times, those creative individuals are there to remind that they too, not only live in the same world, often in unenviable conditions, but also create something greater than them at the same time. As a byproduct of their actions, we are moved, inspired and connected.
Art is the window and the mirror of the universe.